Romani Week 2021 will be organized from 27th to 30th September. It aims to build on the work done during previous Romani Weeks and debate the post 2020 EU policies for Romani Inclusion. It will call upon the European Commission and EU Member States to put the fight against antigypsyism at the forefront of efforts for the social and economic inclusion of Romani people. Policymakers, experts, activists and organisations concerned with persistent antigypsyism in Europe will collaborate to organise the Romani Week. The week will consist of a series of events which will provide recommendations on combatting antigypsyism and continued structural discrimination, on the effectiveness of the post 2020 EU policies for Romani people and on the recovery and resilience national plans.
Patronage: European Parliament, European Commission, Council of the European Union
MEP Hosts: Romeo Franz I Peter Pollák I Terry Reintke I Cornelia Ernst I Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana I Tomáš Zdechovský I Evin Incir I Rasmus Andresen I Anna Júlia Donáth I Dragoș Pîslaru I Sergey Lagodinsky
Partners: European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup, Council of Europe, European Roma Grassroots Organizations Network (ERGO), Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative, Centre of Resources for Social Inclusion CRIS, International Roma Youth Network TernYpe, European Public Health Alliance, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation, European Environmental Bureau, Phiren Amenca, RomnoKher, Roma Active Albania, European Roma Equality Network, European Roma Rights Centre, E-Romnja, Center for Reproductive Rights, Bundesvereinigung der Sinti und Roma (BVSR), Eurodiaconia, Plataforma Khetane del Movimiento Asociativo Gitano del Estado Español, Unión Romani, Minority Initiative, Roma Youth Organization Croatia, Roma Versitas Albania, Roma Resources Center, European Network for Equality Bodies.
- Platform to raise concerns and knowledge exchange: To facilitate exchange and capacity building between Romani people, civil society, policymakers and officials.
- Advocacy for specific thematic areas: Different thematic areas, such as health, education, employment, entrepreneurship, environmental justice. etc., including a general overlapping anti-racism theme to be covered during the European Union mandate post 2020.
- Recognition of antigypsyism: The week will be an opportunity for experts and activists on the issue to advocate European and national policymakers to strengthen the recognition of antigypsyism as well as develop strategic and coherent responses.
- Post 2020 EU Policies for Romani people: There will be an opportunity to discuss the future of a potential Romani Law and policies affecting the lives of Romani people, especially the post 2020 EU Romani Framework.
Attendees and speakers:
- Policymakers and officials from European and national level;
- Representatives of local authorities and large cities in Europe;
- Civil Society;
- Romani people and youth.
#romaniweek2021 #equality4all