European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI)
Progressing in Transatlantic Cooperation: ARDI Co-Chairs MEP Samira Rafaela and MEP Romeo Franz offer ways forward
Brussels, 22.09.2020: Today the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the US held a meeting with the United States Congress and the United States Helsinki Commission on racial equity, equality and justice.
Helena Dalli, European Union Commissioner for Equality presented the new EU Anti-Racism Action Plan published last week. Members of the European Parliament and Representatives of the US Congress discussed how best to combat racism, to strengthen dialogue and to promote equality both within US and Europe, and at international level.
Aiming at reinforcing US-EU coordination to combat structural racism, Co-Presidents of the Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup welcomed all the efforts in the field of racial justice and called for sustained transatlantic dialog.
Samira Rafaela, ARDI Co-Chair from the Netherlands (Renew Europe) requested from everybody to acknowledge the moral obligation to step up the joint efforts and asked: “Do you agree that we need a US-EU joint action plan against racism, a plan that includes dedicated funding and support for civil society? And are we going to exchange best practices when it comes to good policing?”, while continuing her support to anti-racist advocates including the Black Lives Matter movement, people in the frontlines of the fight against racial injustice.
Romeo Franz, ARDI Co-Chair from Germany (Greens/EFA) suggested to build “a transatlantic network for combating racism and discrimination”. “Are we ready to put together our skills, knowledge and experience to build the power that we need to make the change that we want?”, he posed a question to the meeting participants while sharing his concerns about shared experiences of racism and discrimination.
Following the meeting, participants expect to issue a joint declaration on transatlantic collaboration to address racism, including the establishment of a forum for a regular exchange of views between elected representatives and stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic.
For more information, contact Jelena Jovanovic, ARDI Coordinator at:
A pdf version at Press release – US-EU meeting-DROI-LIBE committee.