Romani Week 2022 will be organized from 16th to 19th of May. It aims to build on the work done during previous Romani Weeks and debate the EU policies for Romani Inclusion. It will call upon the European Commission and EU Member States to put the fight against antigypsyism at the forefront of efforts for the social and economic inclusion of Romani people. Policymakers, experts, activists and organisations concerned with persistent antigypsyism in Europe will collaborate to organise the Romani Week. The week will consist of a series of events which will provide recommendations on combatting antigypsyism and continued structural discrimination.
Patronage: European Parliament, European Commission, Council of the European Union
MEP Hosts: Romeo Franz I Peter Pollák I Anna Jùlia Donáth I Terry Reintke I Cornelia Ernst I Klara Dobrev I Sergey Lagodinsky I Juan Fernando López Aguilar I Rasmus Andresen I Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonovà I Monika Vana I Thomas Waitz I Carmen Avram
Partners: Autonomia, Bundesvereinigung der Sinti und Roma (BVSR), CADO, Centre of Resources for Social Inclusion CRIS, Center for Reproductive Rights, Center of European Policy Studies, Council of Europe, Deacones Foundation, European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup, European Commission, European Roma Grassroots Organizations Network, European Network for Equality Bodies, European Public Health Alliance, European Environmental Bureau, European Roma Equality Network, Eurodiaconia, E-Romnja, Federation of Roma, Organisations in Catalonia Fagic, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation, International Roma Youth Network, TernYPE, Kosovo Roma Coalition, Minority Initiative, Nevo Parudimos, Opre Roma, Plataforma Khetane del Movimiento Asociativo, Gitano del Estado Espanol, Politirom, Phiren Amenca, Roma Voice Centre, Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative, Roma Youth Organization Croatia, Roma Resources Center, Roma Versitas, RomnoKher, Roma Active, Roma Health Network, Rroma, Roma Civil Monitor, Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative.
- Combating intersectional discrimination faced by Roma Women
- Contemporary Young Romani Heroes
- Digital and Green agendas
- Ensuring adequate and effective regional, national and local funds
- Historical and current dimensions of antigypsyism
- Justice for Kosovo Roma
- Promoting positive narratives and raising awareness about the Romani language
- Roma Health Capacity Building
- Romani families from the perspective of social protection
- Romani Holocaust, views from above
- The Decade to counter antigypsyism as a new strategy for Roma inclusion in the EU and Western Balkan & Turkey
- The Most Roma friendly Mayor Award
- The Role of the Media in Combating Antigypsyism
- Towards zero segregation in education in Europe
Attendees and speakers:
- Policymakers and officials from European and national level;
- Representatives of local authorities and large cities in Europe;
- Civil Society;
- Romani people and youth.
For the Agenda, speakers and lifestream. Please visit the website: