Written question on designate President of the European Commission Von der Leyen
Will your Commission combat racism and discrimination in the European Union and ensure the implementation of existing legislation in Member States of the Race Equality Directive (2000/43/EC), Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC) and Framework Decision on Combatting on certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia?
Will your Commission be willing to launch infringement procedures against Member States who fail to implement or breach legislation?
Will your Commission prioritise to work with the Member States to ensure the adoption of the Horizontal Equal Treatment Directive, which ensures protection on the grounds of age, disability, religion/belief, and sexual orientation which is currently stalled in the EU Council and which the European Parliament has continuously called on the Council to adopt?
Will your Commission ensure that diverse communities have equal access and opportunities in various fields especially in education and employment?
Will your Commission work to create a more representative and inclusive European Commission service including ensuring gender equality at all levels?